
You can try the examples with your own data cube, but you can also download the exact same cubes I used here.


If you experience any problem with the download please send me a message (thomas.martin.1@ulaval.ca).

Bayesian fitting vs. classical fitting

Here are more advanced examples that show step-by-step the differences between a classical fit and a Bayesian fit on a model spectrum. You will thus first learn how to model a spectrum and then fit a model spectrum with one line, two resolved lines and two unresolved lines: this is when the bayesian fitting algorithm becomes intersting ;)

Calibrating your data

A data cube can be recalibrated using mode specific algorithm which depends on the type of data you have observed. You might want to give a try to these examples to see if you can get a better calibration for your data.

Advanced fitting

These examples show advanced fitting procedures.